Sunday, January 17, 2010

My Boy!

Yes, I have a son. :) My girls get a lot of attention..."aww they are so cute, I love their dresses, etc" and then they throw in "aren't you a handsome guy with lots of sisters". He is a lot like me, doesn't like being the center of attention, so he doesn't mind. My brother makes a point whenever I post pictures on facebook that he comments on Brendan. It has now become a joke but I like the attention he gives him.

Brendan has tried soccer and lacrosse so far. He likes them but doesn't seem to love them. Brendan likes to read nonfiction books. When we pick out books we choose random topics like cars, animals and sports. One day I brought a hockey book home and after reading it he said "I want to play hockey."

He went last Sunday night for the first time. I prepped him before he left about how hard it is to ice skate and it takes lots of practice. He went...and couldn't stand up. An instructor worked with him for an hour, he spent most of the time laying on the ice but he never gave up. This week we took him 3 times to practice.

Today was absolutely amazing!!! He could stand up, skate AND play hockey! It made me tear up watching him being so successful! In one week he has progressed so much. He is a kid who is a big thinker, wants to know how everything works. I think he wanted to figure out how to ice skate more then actually physically doing it. I think we may have found something he truly likes. What more could a mom ask for...happiness. :)

1 comment:

John AKA Reggaexx said...

Well said Angela! I hope Brendan has a lot of fun playing hockey... by the way, that picture is amazing! He looks like a handsome, young, Wayne Gretzky! :)