Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Football Princess

My daughter loves her home team but doesn't like wearing jerseys. Came up with a cute solution, heart shaped football and all. Any color can be made to represent your team.


Hello...it is finally me again! Please "like" me on facebook. angela mae designs is the page! Thanks!

Monday, June 28, 2010


I have been very fortunate to sell over 700 dresses over the last couple years. I am always surprised when people from far away order a dress. The power of the internet. I have sold to people in the majority of all states, Hawaii and Alaska included. Europe and the Caribbean.

BUT...today i got an order from someone really far away. Malaysia, which is located in southeast Asia. 9,500 miles away. Angela Mae is international. :)

Where have you been?

I may be voted the worst blogger ever! :)

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

The Circus is in Town

Clown dress with matching pants
"A Pretty Clown"

They are ready!

Circus time in preschool. Lydia got picked to be a clown. She wasn't happy about it. But I said "Mommy will make you a clown dress" and that changed everything. Julia was an elephant.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Friday, April 2, 2010

Did you make that?

Everyone always thinks I make everything my kids wear. This year for Easter I did not make them their Easter dresses. Shocking I know! I did make two Hello Kitty dresses for the egg hunt at school. All three of my girls are very frilly and like fancy clothes. I love Gymboree and feel like I could buy one or three of everything. Time this time of year is hard to come by...so I went with Gymboree. So many dresses to make...have a hard time squeezing in 3 more! :) Happy Easter.

I'm a Fool

I am a big fan of April Fool's Day. Think it is kind of cruel but find a lot of humor in it. We have fooled my Dad for numerous years using the same joke, claiming someone "stole my wallet". This year was no different then the rest...I got um' good, but this year someone stole my purse. April Fools!

Sunday, March 21, 2010

*LIMITED TIME* Easter Dress

Who doesn't love Hello Kity? Made an unbelievably cute dress today using an Europeon pattern. I want you share it will you all and give you the opportunity to buy one. I am offering the dress for 3 days only, March 21-23. I will not be accepting any more orders for this particular dress after the 23rd. Don't miss out on this adorable Easter dress!
Follow link...

Thursday, March 18, 2010

The Sun Will Come Out Tomorrow...

As a kid, every time I went to the video store I would rent the movie Annie. I know all the songs and can recite thewords to the movie. So, I am very excited that my 3 girls LOVE Annie. (My son HATES Annie lol)

We went to another production of Annie this past weekend. Yes...I made them dresses. I'm ridiculous! :)

St. Patrick's Day Dresses

Monday, March 15, 2010

Time For Some Green

Kaylen's First Birthday 3/17/10

A relative ordered the matching doll for Kaylen

Newborn sized St. Patty's Day Dress

Elliana L. will be born on 3/17/10 and already has her first reversible angela mae dress!

I have had the privilege to make a St. Patrick's Birthday dress for a good friend of ours daughter's first birthday. I also have a friend from high school who is having a baby on St. Patrick's Day. This is the first newborn dress I have made. Such a tiny little thing! So cute.
Next up...Euro St. Patty's Day Dresses

I spend a lot of time...at the post office

Lately, I have been quite busy with orders. Just a reminder, when an order is placed it takes between 2 to 3 weeks for its completion.

I go to the post office almost every day. They know me now and my little girls call it "mommy's store".

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Buggie Bibs

Perfect gift that baby and Mommy will love!

Elmo and Cookie Monster

I have so many dresses and rompers that I have made that aren't listed on my website. I can customize any design. It is fun working with different colors and fabrics. This romper and dress were for a first birthday party for boy/girl twins.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

a look inside angela mae designs

A look through the doors

Fabric cabinets and picture taking area

Cutting table with MANY drawers

Work Space #1

All the sample dresses

I spend a lot of time in those two chairs ;)

I have had a lot of people ask to see some pictures of my sewing studio.

Over the last few months, I have transformed my office into a place that I TRULY love!

It is like a dream come true for me.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

It was worth the effort...

We have been buried in snow for the last week. Record amounts of snow in Maryland. I made Lydia her Valentine's dress over a week ago. Then school was canceled for a week and I never got around to making Julia's dress. Found out last night that they would have school today and the VALENTINE'S exchange. Julia needed her dress. So I spent about 3 hours last night into the wee hours of the night creating it. It turned out great and was completed finished when I went to bed.

When Julia woke up, I told her the good news, "Your Valentine's dress is ready!" I got her dressed first, and her facial expressions alone totally made all my effort so worth it! The joy she felt putting on that dress, totally reinforced why I make clothes. She twirled around in a circle and had the biggest smile! And so did I!

I really need to get to work with all my orders...they are rolling in. Already have their St. Patrick's Day dresses all mapped out in my head.