Tuesday, April 27, 2010

The Circus is in Town

Clown dress with matching pants
"A Pretty Clown"

They are ready!

Circus time in preschool. Lydia got picked to be a clown. She wasn't happy about it. But I said "Mommy will make you a clown dress" and that changed everything. Julia was an elephant.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Friday, April 2, 2010

Did you make that?

Everyone always thinks I make everything my kids wear. This year for Easter I did not make them their Easter dresses. Shocking I know! I did make two Hello Kitty dresses for the egg hunt at school. All three of my girls are very frilly and like fancy clothes. I love Gymboree and feel like I could buy one or three of everything. Time this time of year is hard to come by...so I went with Gymboree. So many dresses to make...have a hard time squeezing in 3 more! :) Happy Easter.

I'm a Fool

I am a big fan of April Fool's Day. Think it is kind of cruel but find a lot of humor in it. We have fooled my Dad for numerous years using the same joke, claiming someone "stole my wallet". This year was no different then the rest...I got um' good, but this year someone stole my purse. April Fools!